Варез > Power NURBS Pro And Translators Pro v6.07 for 3Ds Max 2010 (32/64-bit)

Power NURBS Pro And Translators Pro v6.07 for 3Ds Max 2010 (32/64-bit)

18 сентября 2009. Разместил: delik
Power NURBS Pro And Translators Pro v6.07 for 3Ds Max 2010 (32/64-bit)

Power NURBS Pro - мощное средство трехмерного моделирования, сочетающего в себе преимущества самых современных технологий, используемых для построения объемных моделей. Это уникальный подход соединения технологии следующего поколения, NURBS surface создания поверхности, с ведущей технологией Solids моделирования для 3ds Max платформ. Power Translators Pro - предназначен для импорта больших CAD-моделей и сборок в 3ds Max и Viz.

Среда моделирования в Power NURBS предназначена для обеспечения художника комплексом передовых инструментальных средств моделирования, позволяющих Вам развернуть ваш творческий потенциал за пределами полигонального мира.

Power Translators Pro - предназначен для импорта больших CAD-моделей и сборок в 3ds Max и Viz. Он является улучшенной версией плагина Power Translators и отличается от него наличием таких функций:
- Возможность преобразования моделей по сети;
- Воссоздание и починка поверхностей;
- Работа с файлами Parasolid и SolidWorks;
- Преобразование файлов UG и Catia.

Power NURBS unique hybrid approach fuses the next generation NURBS surface construction technology with the industry’s leading Solids Modeling technology bringing an unparalleled modeling experience to the 3ds Max Platform.

Power NURBS modeling environment is designed to provide artists intuitive access to complex advanced modeling tools allowing you to expand your creative potential beyond the polygon world.

Quickly sketch out your idea with our free form NURBS curve network. Easily blend or sweep your curves into complex interconnected organic shapes. Intuitively re-sculpt your form on the fly while changes automatically propagate through your model. Produce complex surface detail by drawing and projecting curves onto your model. Cutaway, intersect, join or Boolean surfaces and solids without having to clean up polygon errors. Feel the joy of selecting any edge or set of edges and applying numerous fillet combinations that work and with our resolution independent meshing technology. Never worry about poly count again. Sound too good to be true? Think again. It’s all here in Power NURBS, so stop imagining and truly experience the next generation of modeling.

Power Translators are built from the ground up to solve today’s difficult problems of importing quality CAD data into 3ds max. The Plug-in has been battle hardened in the most demanding productions at some of the best Max visualization rendering facilities in the World. The 3ds professionals spoke and we listened and together we developed the most advanced, best integrated, highest quality Max CAD translator on the market today. We guarantee it.

Power NURBS / Power Translators / Power Solids 6.0 includes the following new features:
• Support for Autodesk® 3ds max® 2010 and Autodesk® 3ds max® Design 2010, (including 64 bit versions)
• Performance Improvements

2x improvement in interactive editing operations
• UVW Unwrap

Support for unwrapping and editing textures applied directly to Power NURBS, Power Solids, Power Translators objects.
• Support for 3ds Max modifiers

Path Deform, Patch Deform, Surf Deform, Bend, Affect Region, Bend, Displace, FFD (all 5), Noise, Ripple, Skew, Spherify, Squeeze, Stretch, Taper, Twist, Wave
• Improved User Interface for curve selection
• Improved quality

Special crash protection guard
• Import of SolidWorks 2009 files

Power NURBS Pro And Translators Pro v6.07 for 3Ds Max 2010 (32/64-bit)

* A hybrid SURFACE/SOLIDS creation and editing environment
* Powerful Artist Oriented User Interface - for fast, flexible construction and editing.
* Intelligent NURBS Sketcher – easily sketch, draw or trace complex NURBS curve networks
* Resolution independent surfaces – e
asily adjust a model’s level of detail for the viewport or rendering.
* Power Sketch - tangent and perpendicular constraints for NURBS curves and surfaces.

Информация о программе:
Платформа|OC: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista.
Язык интерфейса: Английский|English
Активация|рег код: есть
Размер архива: 66.17 MB
Пароль к архивам: Пароля нет!

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