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Запретная зона » Варез : Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)
Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)

Информация о программе
Название: Lightworks 2010 Public Beta
Категория: видео редактор
Разработчик: LightWorks
Год выпуска: 2011
Размер файла: 70 Mb

30.11.2010 EditShare объявила что запущено открытое бета тестирования проекта Lightworks, видеоредактора с открытым исходным кодом, поставленая цель выхода программы составить серьезную конкуренцию FinalCut.

Тип лекарства: не требуется

Системные требования:
• PC computer with Intel Core Duo, Intel Xeon, or AMD processor.
• Windows XP Professional SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Professional (32 bit or 64 bit).
• 2 GB of RAM; EditShare recommends 3 GB or more.
• Display with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher; EditShare recommends
1440 x 900 or higher.
• PCI Express graphics card; EditShare recommends NVIDIA or ATI.
• IEEE 1394 interface (FireWire) of 800 Mb per second if you plan to use a
FireWire digital device (deck or camera).
• 256-MB graphics subsystem with support for DirectX 9.
• Universal serial bus (USB) power for the console. If a laptop does not
support adequate power, you need to use a powered hub.
• 100 MB of disk space required to install Lightworks.

Дополнительная информация:
Видеоредактор Lightworks переходит под Open Source
EditShare выпустит программу Lightworks под свободной лицензией этим летом. Профессиональный редактор для нелинейного монтажа, первая версия которой вышла в 1989 году, с тех пор упорно пытался конкурировать с продукцией Apple. Британская фирма-разработчик была неоднократно перепродана, и в конце концов приобретена EditShare в прошлом году.

В системе Lightworks монтировали, среди прочего, множество известных фильмов, из последних — «Центурион» и «Остров проклятых» от Мартина Скорсезе.

Lightworks имеет совместимый формат рабочих файлов с Final Cut Pro и Avid.

В редакторе Lightworks было реализовано множество функций, уникальных для своего времени, в том числе синхронизированное воспроизведение видео со звуком на произвольной скорости, синхронизированное мультиканальное воспроизведение, объектно-ориентированный пользовательский интерфейс с аппаратной консолью. Некоторые из них до сих пор в полной мере не поддерживаются на «макинтошах».

Представители компании говорят, что над кодом программы трудились в общей сложности более миллиона часов, а после его открытия станут доступными невиданные ранее концепции и функционал. «Я думаю, что Lightworks Open Source изменит не только технологии, но и представление о том, на что способны профессиональные инструменты для нелинейного монтажа», — сказал Джеймс Ричинг (James Richings), соуправляющий директор компании.

О причинах перехода под Open Source можно догадаться. Дело в том, что Lightworks — это программно-аппаратная платформа, которая включает в себя и несколько программ, и различные виды оборудования, включая пульты для монтажа. Очевидно, компания-разработчик продолжит зарабатывать на продаже оборудования и программно-аппаратных комплексов.

Изменения в версии 10.0.3Fixes and Features:
Make sure that the export formats button appears correctly
Fix crash importing MXF exported from Lightworks
Tools are now always top most
Fix clips opening from bins when tiles are linked to viewers
Fix video disappearing when clicking inline effect
Fix audio track jumping to next cut point when zoomed
Fix export panel distortion when chord clicking export tool onto edit/clip
Fix crash opening export panel if an invalid compression was selected
Fix timecode label showing no timecode
Added 720p 25fps setting to project card and export panel
Fix rendering 720p material
Fix folders Created on the export panel not appearing after creation
Make sure that the export formats button appears correctly
Fix crash when the number of effects in a particular segment exceeds the vertical height of the strip
Drag/drop of effects on FX tracks now behaves the same way as for regular clips
Choose a sensible default codec for Quicktime exports
Keep the timeline context-menu visible after changing the transition length
Fix crash importing an AAF with sound tracks but no media
Added explicit keybindable commands for live cutting
Hide TimeBlur.aex from the plug-ins list (since it crashes)
Always highlight the last used effect when showing the effects list
Preserve marked regions (defined by explicit in/outs) when clicking on one of the marks in the white position strip
Fix compact sync-group size on room re-entry
Racks contents are no longer reordered incorrectly when clicking on one of the contained items
Make the preferences panel topmost (and completely within the bounds of the screen) when clicking the thumbprint icon (and the preferences panel is already on screen)
Fix timeouts and black frames with RED material
Fix / tidy audio metadata setting (incorrect stride specified, add debug checks to reveal errors)
Fix hangs (crashes) when trying to transcode to an unsupported image size on import
Fix image sequence exports not working at all and not giving any error message when the filename contains invalid characters (e.g. from those in the edit name)
Remove DNxHD, LW RLE, MJPG from export/render formats
Fix audio import from RED
Fix colour shift with RED material
Add both keycode and primary timecodes from RED files
Fix 1/8 res 4K playback stuttering
Fix export from 16bit DPX to MOV dropping frames
Keep the toolbox topmost
Prevent the effect panel title from obscuring the cogs/close icons (when the edit name is long)
Clicking on a table-view bin item makes it editable immediately
Delete temporary edits created during AAF export
Restore 'align kemrolls'
Correctly restore source/record/focus when re-entering a room
Minimising a record viewer now transfers play focus correctly if there is a pre-existing source viewer
Fix crash undoing deletion of an assistant app
Remember/restore the last timecode type chosen via the labels panel (for edits)
Fix crash displaying the clipboard stripview (if no video tracks)
Respect V track selections when dragging/dropping FX segments
Prevent the record-tool cogs menu from appearing when in standby
Add flag icons to tiles in bin 'both' view
Pass keyboard focus to viewer when maximising a tile
Remember the last-used timecode type for edits (when changing via the mouse-wheel)
Show 'Media Offline' for offline clips within edits
Update the clipboard timeline/viewer correctly following timeline drag/drop
Don't display the clipboard following editing operations that did not actually use it (eg. insert)
Claim console/keyboard focus when clicking timeline track buttons
Fix NTSC Quicktime export
Fix memory heap corruption after import
Redisplay bin thumbnails correctly after changing output format
Importing now pays attention to which items are tagged
Prevent possible hang scrolling through a gallery of subclips / syncs
Fix effect folding bug
Prevent crash displaying two (or more) edits with BITC enabled
Removed Geevs export format
MXF export now give user an explicit Op1a (XDCAM) / OpAtom (P2) choice
Added cogs menu (right-click) to the import icon so you can change 'sync using filenames' etc before starting an import
Don't make a bin AND show the permanent list when chord-clicking the bin tool
Added MiniDV to the device list
The size of an export is now calculated asynchronously so you don't have to wait on room entry, etc
Implicitly export two EDLs at a time for stereoscopic edits for Left and Right eyes
Fix possible crash entering a room after having previously left another room
Ensure that edit order always matches visible tile order when creating an edit from a bin
Use the correct colour for inactive FX panels
Don't apply EQ if the effect has been bypassed
Ensure that effect LEDs are in the correct state when the panel first appears, especially when effect components are disabled
Fix drag and drop of tiles to stripview when tile has fewer audio tracks than are selected on the destination edit
Shift+backspace is now no different to backspace
It is now not necessary to have 'sync using filenames' enabled to auto-detect P2 structures
Rewording - the stripview is now called ‘timeline’
Fix crash entering invalid keystrokes into logging-database timecode field
Preserve audio levels when trimming grouped audio tracks that have concurrent black/non-black segments
Adding video effects is improved
Added 10-bit YUV DPX support for licensed systems
The edit viewer / timeline no longer obscures the export progress details after an export
Disallow DPX saving for unlicensed systems
Don't list TGA twice on the render panel
Preserve the auto-positioning information when duplicating bins
Stereo-3d export options are disabled on unlicensed systems
Fix reading of AVI files with audio - probably the cause of a lot of failures to read AVI reported by forum users
Clean up any dangling BITC definitions in the project edit caused by unpacking user definitions, which was causing the project edit to grow in size and take longer and longer to read
Stop project edit always being saved twice (and notifying the shared project twice for every modification
Lightworks no longer crashes when you import MXF files that are of a length the application does not expect.
D3D surface caching is now deselected by default.
Apple H264 is now described correctly.
If your AAF import fails, you now see a more helpful error message.
When you import, more types of transcode options are now available.
Uninitialized data might have interfered with importing. This has been fixed.
Transcoding on import now works when the input image has an Apple codec identifier (fourcc) and appears to have a different compression format but is the same as one of the Windows formats.
A bad memory leak that occurred when you changed projects has been fixed.
Lightworks no longer crashes when you try to play audio when the audio is missing, for example, when material is offline.
Memory usage is now reduced during surface pooling.
The name you type for an Assistant Application is no longer ignored.
When you delete an Assistant Application, associated effect templates are now also deleted.
Irrelevant effects options are no longer available.
If a memory allocation fails, cached images and logs are now automatically freed, and then the application tries again.
You can now move on-viewer effects controls (for example, DVE position) with either mouse button.
You can now adjust numeric effects parameters with the mouse wheel.
You can now adjust Timeline zoom with the mouse wheel when you position it over the white length-indicator strip.
You can now create effect templates from .FX files (for example, HLSL pixel shader files) on the fly.
You can now have more than 10,000 events in an edit track.
Handling is improved for After-Effects plug-ins that use custom parameter types (for example, Red Giant ‘Looks’).
Lightworks no longer crashes when you preview After-Effects plug-ins.
Lightworks no longer crashes when you display the BITC Overlay dialog box while letterboxing is enabled.
You can now successfully import audio-only MXF files.
You can now successfully import Aaton 23.98 WAV files.
QuickTime export formats are now restricted (to avoid problems with using the QuickTime SDK for simultaneous decompression and recompression).
Unjoined cuts are now rejoined after an undo or redo. You can unjoin them again by clicking the Unjoin button.
Empty shots or edits no longer display the Material Offline message.
The application might have crashed when you unarchived the same archive more than once without having closed the bin from the first import. This has been fixed.
When you import, an image sequence is now automatically detected only if you select the first image from the file browser.
Image sequences without zero-padded numerics (for example, file1.jpg, file2.jpg as opposed to file0001.jp, file0002.jpg, and so on) are now imported successfully.
You can now drag and drop tiles onto the Generate Film Lists tool.
When you use Avid key assignments, pressing the J or L key repeatedly now increases play speed up to 4x.
EDL imports that generate warnings now continue to import successfully.
You can now specify on which drives you want your Material/Sound folders created.
Lightworks no longer crashes when you try to import an EDL without having exported one first.
After you double-click bin items, the correct number of track buttons now display on the source viewer.
Lightworks might have crashed when it tried to display tool tips over non-opaque windows that did not have explicit alpha channels. This has been fixed.
You can now drag tiles out of bins in either the List view or the Both view.
You can now drag tiles onto a Timeline. Clicking a tile and dragging it into the Timeline performs an Insert edit. Shift-dragging performs a Replace edit.
When you change the output aspect ratio, the full-screen display now appears correctly.
Detection of secondary displays for full-screen preview is improved.
When the primary display is on the right monitor, the mouse now behaves correctly on the secondary monitor.
Permanent racks now behave like permanent bins, that is, you have to explicitly remove items from them.
When you create a Cues dialog box, it now always appears on the screen.
A Cues dialog box is now saved in a room and can be restored from a room.
You can now bypass or enable an individual effect parameter by clicking the red button next to its name.
When the Windows taskbar is positioned on the right edge of the Lightworks screen, the size of the main window is improved.
The Only Show Metadata option has been removed from the Import/Export Commands list.

Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)
Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)

Содержимое архива
setup_10.0.3_beta_full.exe - новая установка
setup_10.0.3_beta_update.exe - обновление ранее установленного Lightworks
VFWCodecs_10.exe - рекомендованный пакет кодеков
lw_installguide_2010.pdf - инструкция по установке
lw_quickstartguide_2010.pdf - подскажет, с чего начать
lightworks_2010_guide.pdf - полное руководство

Версия программы: Version:10.0.3
Последняя Версия программы: Version:10.0.3
Адрес официального сайта: http://www.lightworksbeta.com

О файле:
Активация|рег код: не требуется
Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Формат файла: rar
Платформа/ОС: WinAll
Размер файла: 70 Mb

Lightworks 2010 Public Beta 10.0.3 (2010/ENG)

Одним файлом - LightWorks.rar - (69.37 MB)
TurboBit.net | Letitbit.net | Vip-File.com | ShareFlare.net | Depositfiles.com

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