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Запретная зона » Варез : EarMaster School
EarMaster School

EarMaster School - это новая версия программы для тренировки и развития музыкального слуха. В программе есть курсы обучения, адаптированные к различным инструментам. Предлагаются комплексы развивающих упражнений и другие полезные вещи, которые помогут как новичкам, только что взявшим в руки инструмент, так и музыкантам со стажем - дабы не терять форму.

Научные исследования показывают, что человек усваивает 20 когда одновременно видит и слышит рассказ, но 80% процентов успешно закрепленных навыков приобретаються на практическом опыте. EarMaster School - это сильный инструмент для тренировки и развития музыкального слуха. Начав с простых упражнений и продвигаясь к более сложным, вы научитесь правильно определять высоту нот, различать аккорды, разбираться в интервалах, разовьете чувство ритма. В программе есть курсы обучения, адаптированные к различным инструментам.

Предлагаются комплексы развивающих упражнений и другие полезные вещи, которые помогут как новичкам, только что взявшим в руки инструмент, так и музыкантам со стажем - дабы не терять форму. Многопользовательский .сетевой режимы будут особенно полезны для преподователей музыкальных дисциплин в школах и музыкальных классах.

Tutor editor
• Use the 651 ready-to-use lessons or make your own customized lessons with the advanced Tutor Editor.
• Control how well the students must perform before advancing to the next lesson.
• Tutor lessons are compatible with EarMaster Pro.
• E-learning compatible:
Distribute your lessons to students’ home computers by e-mail, on a website or on all types of storage devices.
Receive the students’ results through the integrated export-by-email functionality.

Student administration and report facilities
• The User Overview function allows teachers to easily control and evaluate the students’ assignments.
• Detailed information on students’ training and performance with advanced report function.
• Print summaries and results for single users or whole classes.
• Easy management of student data.
• Detailed statistics - monitor the students’ progress and benefit from information on every aspect of the students’ ear training process.

Multi-user and network facilities
• Students and teachers can continue their latest ear training session on any computer in the network.
• Runs in any Windows network and is easy to install.
• Remembers results and settings for each user.
• No limitations on number of users.
• Use EarMaster in your own language.
• For students, EarMaster School looks just like EarMaster Pro. Only teachers and administrators have access to the advanced educational features.

Why should our school use EarMaster?
Scientific research shows that we remember 20% of what we see, 40% of what we see and hear, but 80% of what we experience! EarMaster School is an experiential ear training tool. It’s highly interactive - the students see, hear, and most importantly, they do!

Your teaching assistant
EarMaster comes with a jazz tutor and a standard tutor with a total of 651 lessons! Lessons are ready to use or can offer inspiration for you to create your own lessons using the Tutor editor. For example, you can make lessons function as tests, setting time limits and many other restrictions, and insert these test-lessons in between regular lessons as often as you wish! Your custom-made tutor lessons will challenge each student individually, based on his or her performance, and they will also receive feedback instantly.

As a teacher, you can focus on the most difficult questions and concepts. You have access to live statistics on the students’ performances, which gives you the opportunity to approach the students individually or in groups to work out their difficulties, while working with EarMaster.

Ear training after class
Students can do ear training homework lessons after class in your computer lab. You can also email your own tutor lessons to your students, so they can work with EarMaster at home. Followingly, the students can email their results to you from their home computer, or bring them to school on a storage device. You can then add the received results to your EarMaster statistics and view them together with the other users’ existing and incoming results. The high score feature will motivate the students to compete and devote extra hours to ear training.

EarMaster School is a motivating and effective teaching tool. Your students will develop a much better musical ear than they can with any other teaching method or program.

Размер: 6.10 MB

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