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Запретная зона » Графика : Flash CS3:For Designers with Colin Smith
altFlash CS3 for Designers

Intensive Crash-Course in Flash
                Colin Smith

(Flash CS3 Training video)
Approx. 7hr:45 Mins

Part 1: Workspace, Drawing and Animation
Part 2: Multimedia and ActionScript


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Adobe Flash CS3 for Designers

Learn Flash Fast! All source files included.

Do you want to learn Flash from the ground up? Add videos to your webpage easily, add elegant animations, photo galleries and more. These kinds of thing are now within your reach. This video walks you through the entire Flash Application. It's an A-Z guide to using Flash. Even if you have never used Flash Before, this video will get you creating Flash projects in no time at all. This video is created with the designer in mind. You'll learn all the actionscript you need to get started developing Rich Internet sites, even if you have no programming experience. Colin walks you through with his no-nonsence, plain English approach. It's easier that you thought to learn Flash, and no, it doesn't have to be boring and difficult. All the lesson files, Flash files, videos, sounds and photos are included so you have what the instructor has!


This video is designed to provide an intensive (but easy to follow) crash-course in Flash CS3. The 65 lessons are based on the curriculum Colin taught at the sold-out out multi-city tour; Flash CS3 Summercamp. Whether you’re a complete Flash beginner or someone wanting to quickly get up to speed with the new Features in Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3, this video is for you!


Learn the latest version of Adobe Flash and jump into ActionScript 3 today!

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Adding Green screen video with Flash CS3

What will you learn?

Flash CS3 for Designers

Part 1

Session 1 Basics and Drawing


  1. Welcome: Welcome screen and setting launch preferences :: 3:22

  2. Interface: Take a tour of the Flash CS3 interface :: 10:30           

  3. Timeline/Layers: Learn about layer in the timeline :: 8:25


  1. Stroke: Use the line tool and pencil tool. Create custom strokes :: 10:52

  2. Shapes: Use the shape tools and use fills :: 10:36

  3. Primitives: Interactive shapes :: 3:55

  4. Gradients: Create and transform gradients :: 9:59

  5. Brush: Use the brush tool in all 5 painting modes :: 6:04

  6. Stroke to fill: Convert a stroke to a fill, allows multiple strokes :: 4:33

  7. Object Drawing: Use the Object drawing model. Use arrange and combine objects :: 5:56           

  8. Transform: Use Free transform and envelopes :: 4:52

  9. Pen tool: Master the pen tool. Create different shapes :: 8:54

  10. Align: Align and evenly space objects with a single click :: 3:11

  11. Soften: Feather the edges of vector shapes :: 3:47

  12. Filters: Use the different filters in Flash :: 6:39            

  13. Illustrator import: Use the new Illustrator Importer, import native Illustrator documents :: 4:39     


  1. Vector vs Bitmap: Bitmaps and Vectors explained :: 5:17          

  2. Import Bitmap: Understand Importing Bitmaps, and image compression :: 5:24          

  3. PSD Import: Import native layered Photoshop Documents :: 6:46           

  4. Trace Bitmap: Convert Bitmap photos into Vectors :: 4:19       

  5. Magic Wand: Use the Magic wand to select portions of bitmaps :: 3:22         

  6. Bitmap Fill: Create tiled bitmap patterns in Flash :: 6:00

  7. Build Thumbnails: Mix Vectors and vectors to create Thumbnail buttons :: 8:23   

All source files included.

Session 2 Animations

  1. Symbols: Understand the 3 different types of Symbols :: 13:03

  2. Basic motion: Learn about animation and tweens  :: 11:12  

  3. Cachebitmap: A more efficient way of animating complex vectors :: 2:16

  4. Shape tween: Create Shape Tweens (Morphing) and use Shape Hints :: 4:50

  5. Easing: Add realism to your motion with easing :: 4:40           

  6. Squash and stretch: Add volumee and weight to your animated objects :: 2:29

  7. Animate properties: Animate Color, rotation, transparency and  size :: 5:55

  8. Blur: Add motion blur for more elegant animation :: 3:22

  9. Nested Animation: Create animation within animation :: 3:22

  10. Animated filters: Animate Filters for super realism :: 2:30 

  11. Motion on a path: Animate on a path, say goodbye to boring linear animation :: 6:53

  12. Masks: Animate an image inside text and create a funky border :: 3:00

  13. Motion masks: A signature with an invisible hand :: 1:36           

  14. Timeline effects: Use Flash to generate complex animated transitions :: 6:42

  15. Copy and Paste motion: Don’t do more work than needed. Copy all the motion properties from one object to another :: 2:30


  1. Basic Text: Add single line and paragraph text. Use Anti aliasing :: 7:00

  2. Dynamic text: Create Scrolling Dynamic text with components :: 8:09           

  3. HTML Formatting: Format your text using HTML :: 3:36 

  4. Banner AD: Put it all together with an animated banner ad :: 12:01            

All source files included.

Part 2

Session 3 MultiMedia


  1. Button Sound: Add sound to a button :: 3:00 

  2. Editing Sound: Adding Fades using Flash’s sound editor :: 4:11

  3. Looping Sound: Add music to your website. Add a sound button to control playback :: 17:00    


  1. Components: Easily add Video to a webpage :: 4:47 

  2. Sequence: Work with Image sequences, Quicktime and FLV video (Roundtrip workflow) :: 12:22

  3. Alpha: Create rotoscoped video with  transparency :: 7:49           

  4. Cue Points: Add Navigation Cue points to add chapters to your video :: 10:10  

  5. Vid Player: Create a video player application. Load multiple videos into a single player  :: 13:49

  6. Filter Video: Add filters to videos for special effects :: 8:40

All source files included.

Session 4 Action

  1. Button: Make a simple button using behaviours :: 4:57

  2. ActionScript overview: A basic introduction to Objects and ActionScript 3 :: 9:18

  3. variables: Understand how to use variables as containers :: 11:29           

  4. Functions: Control your actionScript with functions  :: 6:20 

  5. Output text: Create dynamic text with actionScript  :: 5:36

  6. Input Text: Use input text so the user can enter text  :: 6:04 

  7. Movie clips as buttons: Advanced way of using buttons :: 10:39           

  8. Draggable movieclip: Learn how to make a movie clip draggable and add soft edged masks :: 7:40 

  9. Conditions: Add conditional logic to your scripts, make them think :: 7:37       

  10. webpage Nav system: Use actionScript to control a web page :: 7:05           

  11. Loader component: Easily load images dynamically :: 4:25

  12. Loading External text: Load text from an external text document at runtime :: 12:05    

  13. Image Gallery: Create an image gallery with captions and photos. Learn about arrays :: 17:06

  14. Publishing movies: Learn all the different ways of publishing and outputting flash files. Add a Flash sniffer. :: 12:30

All source files included.

Colin Smith.
An award winning designer, best-selling author and trainer. Colin is founder of the #1 PhotoshopCAFE online community which has received over 5 million visitors. Colin has authored 18 books and has been featured in almost every major design magazine. He is in high demand as a lecturer throughout the United States with clients including Disney Studios. Colin is a speaker at the Flash Forward Conference.

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